Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hello From Indy

Sunday afternoon I grabbed my bags and flew off to Indianapolis and work with my former business partners. We facilitate a leadership institute that is often, according to the participants, life changing and inspiring. The group we are working with this year is really big - in personality and perspective - and I am so honored to be their guide for a few days.

They come from all over the country, are male and female and, through hard work, have escaped poverty, abuse and low expectations. They are extremely intelligent and powerful, angry and gentle, hopeful and expectant. They are young and talented. It has done my heart good to be in their presence for the past few days.

On Monday, a number of the men shared their experiences of being pulled over and questioned by police for no reason other than the color of their skin. Several of them cried remembering their anger and frustration; reliving the sense of powerlessness they have endured. One young man said it so well "I feel as if I am always one mistake away from losing everything. No matter how good I am, how much good I do it can all be taken away for no reason."

Imagine living Life with that reality looming overhead.

Sucks, doesn't it?

It is truly time for a change in this country. Now, that may be a current campaign slogan but, I and others have been working towards just that for about 35 years. It's hard to see the generation behind you filled with the same pain that filled your heart; bumping up against many of the same barriers that barred your path.

Things change and yet, they remain the same.

Well, I'd better get ready for another day in Indy. I'll write more when I return home.

Until then, may each and every day be better than the day before it, every smile fuller, every laugh deeper.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had this great experience. WHere I was born and grew up, everything you had could be taken away from you at a moments notice. The only thing you had that was truly yours was your knowledge. Be well,

CiCi said...

You share positive affirmations as well as the realities of peoples lives. What a good experience for the men to be in a place that was safe and comfortable for them to say what they truly feel. We all want change and growth, that is, the ones of us who aren't living in ignorance.