Wednesday, January 07, 2009

What's New Pussycat?

If you've been here recently you know that I've been interviewing and working my brown butt off for a sweet promotion. It didn't happen.

My boss made no mention of it after our return from Winter Break, which was a big tip off. He finally let loose the disappointing news today. And I, though having forsworn my thinking habits of 2008 and earlier, fell right back into a sense of inadequacy. But, my friends, I didn't stay there very long. I am happy to report that within a few hours I had regained my balance without becoming angry or frustrated. And that really is an accomplishment.

What I am feeling is, oddly enough, trusting. Calm and sense of well-being have been creeping into my Life lately and there they were when I was really in need. You may scoff at meditation, faith and open-hearted prayer if you wish but I believe these have made all the difference for me.

So, as has happened before, it seems this crazy Life has in store for me some thing other than my well-made plan. And, lest you think this a bad thing, it is this chaotic wind that brought to me my beautiful daughter, my current home and this strange yet compelling workplace.

Tonight I'm going to get a good sleep and wake up early tomorrow for a long, sweaty workout. After that, I'll start to weave a new plan. If Life can be judged by the quality of our internal world as much as our external one than mine is improving and that makes me feel very, very good.

As for the promotion, well, you know what they say - it ain't over 'til it's over. Wish me luck and keep
sending that good Love energy!


Unknown said...

Thanks for setting a graceful example for how to live.

Mojo said...

Wow, girlfriend - you are amazing and full of grace. You are inspiring! Love, Mj

heartinsanfrancisco said...

I'm sorry you were not rewarded as you deserved to be, but I have learned that when something leaves our lives (or doesn't arrive,) it is ALWAYS because something better is waiting to come in. There has to be a vacancy because as we all know, Nature abhors a vacuum.

Any inadequacy in this situation is not yours, and I have no doubt that life has bigger and better things in store for you than the promotion that didn't happen. And with your great attitude, it is sure to be soon. Good luck, Gayle!