Saturday, January 17, 2009

Words Make It Worthwhile

Actions do speak louder than words and there have been times in my Life when I have had to learn that lesson (mostly where the combination of men and Love were concerned). But, I have come to understand that each has its own power.

Take our incoming and outgoing Presidents, for example. George W. could, through the power of his spoken words and presence convey the image of an everyday man. Something he surely is not (and I don't say that maliciously, it is a simple fact), but he made many believe it. Our incoming President can, through the use of his words, move masses of people in such a way that he makes them feel as if they are powerful and can create the world for which they are longing.

Words have power.

I was deeply impacted yesterday by a set of words that I will share here. But, first you should know that yesterday was stressful at work. It was filled with deadlines and reports and people who did not know how to do their jobs. They had questions and the need to know things that were in their area of expertise, not mine. I would be lying if I didn't say that it occurred to me, at least once yesterday, that I should have gotten that promotion. But, it was just a moment, and I allow myself to have my moments without judgment.

Most of what I did yesterday was give my honest opinion and my best thinking. It's what I do everyday. Okay, most days. I admit to the occasional day of blanking out, running on autopilot, or, when I'm hormonal, fantasizing about outrageously good sex with an outrageously good lover. Honestly though, those days don't happen that often.

So, yesterday was a fairly typical day. I had to push back my Friday night recreation a bit because a report submission had been fouled up but, it wasn't the first time I've had to do that. I canceled drinks at 5:00pm and rearranged the movie and dinner and made it dinner and a movie (I saw Last Chance for Harvey which was a wonderful movie about - well, about all sorts of internal and emotional things - too many things to elaborate on now but I do recommend it as a good date movie for the over 50 crowd).

When I got home at about midnight, I checked my email and this is what I found waiting for me:


I couldn’t dare leave tonight without taking a moment to let you know just how much I appreciate your unwavering support of all the many things I try to do for the organization. You have truly been an inspiration and a joy to behold as a co-worker and most of all, a friend. You didn’t give up today even when you could have. I can’t begin to tell you what it meant to me to know you have been with me through thick and thin. You listened to a dream and turned it into reality. You went far beyond the boundary to make a difference…..the difference so many people talk about but can’t seem to find the energy to make it happen. Thank you is so small but all I have right now in lieu of a big hug and a whispered prayer for your continued success and happiness, health and prosperity for years to come. I know you know this project was at the center of my heart, yet there were so many other tasks that simply soaked up my time. There were a lot of lessons learned for me…too many tonight to talk about. The only one that really matters is that whatever the outcome, always remember I appreciate your absolute best that you devoted to this project from start to finish. Every time you see an AED, know it is there because you made it possible. Thanks again and have a great weekend!
Reading it over still brings tears to my eyes. I don't get much acknowledgment that my caring and cheerleading make a difference. I know it does because I witness the difference - the smile that appears where there wasn't one before, the learning product that is finally ready to be launched or the grant funds that make a program a reality. But, aside from the perfunctory pat on the back (which often go to whomever my boss is at the time) my organization, like many does not make thank you a habit. If only they understood that this is the way to keep people engaged and working hard.

Having experienced the disappointment of being passed over for that promotion makes this note even sweeter for me. And, the person who wrote it knew nothing about the job attempt or, at least I don't believe she did.

So, that's it. I just wanted to share my experience of appreciation with you. To thank you for reading it and to wish you a bounty of appreciation in your Life and in your work - to give and to receive.

1 comment:

Mojo said...

Hello Gayle - thank you for so eloquently teaching us again that the power of words contain within the energy of the intention. What a beautiful acknowledgment of your true essence of who you are!

Woo hoo! I am cheering you on!!! Love, Mj