Saturday, May 23, 2009

Do a Happy Dance

My friend, Marijo, just gave me a friend award! Thanks, Marijo. I have fewer readers since leaving Spaces but, those who do come 'round and share a thought or two are like honey on my tongue. Check out Marijo's blog and share her year of inner adventure.

It's teenager time! The womanchild turned 15 this week and had her last day of school as a freshman. She survived freshman year intact, no obvious wounds to her self esteem, no slips in her grades and a bunch of new friends and general happiness. Whew! Now I get to take a break from carpooling and soccer practice and teenage playdates (which all translate into Mom-the-chauffeur).

Summer means I don't have to get up at 5:00 am to work out but, I can sleep until 6:30 and still get to the gym and then work on time! Yea!! 7.5 hours of sleep instead of 6; it makes a huge difference.

Summer means weeks on my own as the womanchild goes off to Ohio this weekend, to camp in June and then to NY in August. Almost three whole weeks of just me! Time to do my happy dance. Wish I had a man to help me take advantage of the opportunity to let loose. Unfortunately, I'll have to work, so the time on my own will be filled with everyday kinds of things. If you don't have children living with you full time, then you can't really understand what an enormous mental break this time alone will be.

I watched John & Kate + 8 for the first time (about a coupe with twin 6-yr olds and sextuplet 3-year olds. Made me feel as if I had absolutely nothing to complain about - ever. Never-the-less, and I've probably said this before, I Love my child more than Life, but single motherhood wears me out. So, it's these rare and brief respites without her that rejuvenate me and remind me of who I am besides the womanchild's mother.

Week in Review:
Kris Allen won on American Idol! This is the first year I really didn't mind who won. I liked Adam just as much as Kris and thought he had a winning style. I should add that all the teenage girls in my Life were cheering for Kris.

The season of 24 ended and it was a bit anticlimactic. After all the gossip that this was the last season, I expected something a bit more intense. Jack, you let me down, man.

I prepared over the past full work week for a major meeting, which my boss, in 15 min. completely derailed. I think I must finally be mature because I just smiled, moved my notes to the side and let his solo show run it's course. When he was finished, two hours later, I picked up the ball and moved the team forward a few paces. Classic boss stuff, right? Sigh...

Time has slipped while I wrote this and I'm now very late picking my Mom up from my cousin's house, where she was visiting to attend a graduation. So, the chauffeur hat is back on and I better get my butt moving!

Be well and ever better...


Jorge said...

Sounds like you are finding satisfaction in your life, even if not everything has developed the way you had envisioned. I always enjoy your comments, and am inspired by your resilience. May life smile upon you,

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Congratulations to your daughter on surviving freshman year. I hope you have something wonderful planned for the two of you over the summer.

That was the end of 24? Oh, no. Say it isn't so. And idiotic shows like "Friends" go on forever.