Sunday, December 04, 2005


Sometimes far away is better;
a little distance,
a new perspective.

My dreamcatcher holds night dreams of you;
bringing the gifts of your voice,
your laughter and
your touch
to the place of magic
where I am only who I am

without censure.

Dreams that wriggle and squirm
like toddlers in search of freedom
like you
they have stepped off into a different bright and colorful future.

But these days are not like the old days.
I guess I mean they are not like my young days.
No baleful of tears, no wailing, no bemoaning of my fate.

Instead I burn sage,
shed the cleansing tears,
open the inner chamber doors and breathe the perfect breath of Life.

I am a woman
and I have lived disappointment by the heartful.
I am not easily broken, chipped or cracked by what might have been

but is not.

I am fully formed,

a woman.
I understand the turns of Life
with its sorrow-filled lessons
and resultant new skin, new path, new hope.

there are moments when I long for a plane ticket and a suitcase,
for a place in time and space
with no memory or hope of Life with you.

Sometimes I know that far away is better

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