Saturday, February 17, 2007

Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles

As I Live more and more in the present moment (by simply being mindful of it) I find my attention is on what I have, not what I lack. I have decided to start each day naming 5 things for which I am grateful. Today's list of things for which I am grateful:
  1. The Love of my child who is such a beautiful Spirit and who expresses her Love and care for me daily.
  2. The Love of my mother, which is fierce and unwavering.
  3. My home, which is comfortable and rests on land which is alive and vibrant.
  4. My work, which requires that I use my mind in ways I had long put away.
  5. The new balance I have acquired through the opening of my heart.

This week's movie is "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles". It is a story that is complex and yet simple, too. About a quiet and intense Japanese fisherman who attempts to make amends with his estranged son by filming an opera performance. I enjoyed it for it's window into Chinese (yes, I know I said he was Japanese, stay with me) culture and for this story of a man who is learning about himself, Love and melting the ice around his heart.

I have believed for a very long time that we attract what we need/desire to us. This is not difficult, but a matter of course, a natural occurrence. As I observe my mental perspectives, I can see that the themes of the film have been recent themes in my own thought patterns. Melting the ice around my heart melt, for example. For some time now, I have been an odd combination of warmth and, simultaneously, chill. I'm not quite sure how this will change, though I believe it will. I am content to simply be mindful of breathing more and more heart into my words and actions and allowing the change to unfold.

I hope your Saturday is brilliant and whatever seeming obstacles crop up provide some laughter and golden moments for you.


Anonymous said...

I've been remiss in visiting my friends, so I wanted to stop by to say "hi". As always, your photos are beautiful. I like your new blog site. Be well,

Michael said...

A very nice place to be.
It makes me smile to see you move in that direction.

Take Care

aafrica said...

it is a beautiful film.

happy new year!

Anonymous said...

I love your idea to incorporate things you are grateful for into your conscience, Gayle. It makes the day so much brighter to have those in the forefront of your mind when you start out on another day that could bring more blessings, or make you question why you bother. My blessings always keep me remembering why I do what I do.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gayle,

I like your new space and have changed your url on my favorites.


Laura said...

This hit me today. Recently I have been learning to chill my heart a bit to protect myself. Thank you for reminding me not to chill it too much.

Anonymous said...

I bore with you and waited to find the explanation of the Japanses/Chinese switch in midstream, only to be baffled. Care to elucidate? Your things to be thankful for are far loftier than mine which usually involve money and/or not getting caught, since sex seems to be off the table for - oh, say, a zillion years or so...

Anonymous said...

Gayle - glad you stopped by! I am in South Africa at the moment, blogging a bit on my experiences. Very interesting place... Stop by again when you have a chance and I promise to do the same!

Love, DelSolFan

Anonymous said...

I like your blogsite. Thanks for including me on the list of places you visit when you wander :-)
I always enjoy your comments.