Sunday, April 22, 2007


My love affair with blogger has now ended.

I tried to post and got kicked out, just as I was publishing. Turns out all these blog hosts are the same - making promises they can't keep, lulling you into a false sense of security, luring you in with lots of pretty bells and whistles and then - BAM! Lost words, ideas and a bit of your story, all gone.

I feel so used...

I'm volunteering just about every waking hour this weekend, but I'll try to recreate the thought and feeling later this week.

Love and Peace to you all...


Unknown said...

I recommend either typepad or wordpress as better programs. My wordpress is down currently because I did something stupid with it, but it's easy and gives you a lot of control.

Anonymous said...

Please don't give up writing. Somewhere, anywhere. Find a bathroom stall and send me an address. I'll get Beck to drive me.
Love to you and Chud.

Anonymous said...

I was just leaving a comment on how I HATE blogspot - I mentioned on my OWN space a bit back how I had come here and gone thru all the crap - leave name, leave site, key in nonsense letters, and left a brilliant, incisive, life-altering comment and it vanished - only the comment I just left along those lines just vanished yoo. If this one disappears, well, it's been nice. Come back to Spaces...

Hope said...

Hope today finds you in beauty and peace..
did you really think that any place where we can put our thoughts and feelings down would be any different than in real life?
is all an uphill battle.. but we are strong.. and will prevail..
hope all is well..
soft hugs ~Hope

Anonymous said...

And so now whither?