Monday, October 26, 2009

No Angst, No Gory

Life is good! Hectic and a bit crazed and everything is fine. I think my vacation may have hit a reset button inside of me. Whatever, I feel calm and capable. There is something about this time that makes me feel like it's mine.

On January 4th, I wrote of my desire to change my mind. To shed my old patterns of thought and take on new ones to acknowledge that change happens from the inside out. I believe it's working. I'm learning. I am simultaneously more accepting and more open to change. It feels good.

I am reminded of my friend Marijo's affirmation:

I believe in the the power of love.
I believe in synchronicity.
I believe in the power of energy.
Everything can change - in an instant.
If only we allow.



DavidShag said...

Hmmm. Well, I believe that some things can be changed and some can't. Thought patterns can change, I believe, although it is a struggle. I recently had the felicity of a good friend telling me about some of my little habits of which I was not really aware. I am in the process of attempting to modify some of this behavior. Or I might just go back and paste my friend one on the beezer. Win/win.

Jorge said...

It's been a while. I'm happy things are improving in your world. Be well,

DavidShag said...

Hey - Is this really your latest post - or am I somehow going back in time when I come here. If this is your latest, a little less dithering and a little more output, please! If I can, you can.

Hope said...

Gayle, its been forever.. don't know if you even come here anymore.. by the looks of it you don't.. but just in case someday you do.. I wanted to say hi. and hope that your doing ok.. and all is well in your world..
soft hugs always.. Hope