Sunday, April 20, 2008

Poem Speak

Once I hoped,
longed for your Love and touch.
I yearned, prayed, dreamed up your Love for me.

I find no reason for trading promises with the gods;
have no desire to wrap you up in my needs.
just maybe, I have finally grown-up.

I like the way we fit;
the feel of your lips on mine
the sparkle of your eyes as you hold me
the ease of my Love for you.
I like these things,
for they make my Life richer.

A comfortable old chair, you said,
and I bristled at the metaphor.
when all is said/thought/done,
that is how we are.
Worn and weathered, though not nearly broken or done.
We are experienced and time-tested.
We are living the lives we have tossed, planned and fallen into;
Loving those that fix us in our time and place and,
mostly, we are happy,

while mostly,
we are apart.

How strange to feel joy in your absence
when I have known such boundless joy in the swell of your bare chest.
How odd to look forward to the next time
without a care for when that might be.

You are my enigma,
my soul mate
(though I know you do not believe that such a thing might exist
or, perhaps, simply don't believe that I am yours)

You are my unresolved fantasy
and I still float on air
remembering the crinkle of your smile.
I fall asleep to the thought of you
and wake up to the same.

51 circles,
22 cycles of hope
that someday I may know with you the kind of day-in-day-out-teeth-brushing-ass-wiping Life
that we have lived with others.

I don't see the path that leads us there but,
I hold the faith that we may yet find it.

I don't take the time to wish with all my heart any more,
but my soul still holds a place
for the possibility of you and I.

I never really know all of what you think or feel;
Such a mystery you have been
and so you remain.
But, I know your Love for me
I know my Love for you.

What else can a Life desire?
What other words can a simple poem speak?


Unknown said...

utterly beautiful

Anonymous said...

I love it! I have really missed you! Thanks for stopping by my place!

Anonymous said...

These are the kind of feelings love should bring - I'm happy you've found them. Be well,

Anonymous said...

My gods, but that is just beautiful, Gayle.