Thursday, May 01, 2008

How Sweet It Is

A very sweet thing happened to me this week. I received an email from a high school friend that I haven't spoken to in probably 20 years. If you've ever had a moment of pure joy then you know what I was feeling.

Herbie was my brother, the guy that I could count on to tell me the truth, to tease me mercilessly and to have my back in times of trouble. Each day, we rode the NYC subway together with our new found sense of teenage freedom. We were two of a handful of black students in an elite public school (best in the US - sorry Stuyvesant - we held the title) and we navigated the culture, the Bronx and the demands of our teachers together.

By the time I was in my 20's, I realized that Herbie was a handsome, intelligent and compassionate man and suddenly had a crush on him. As it turns out, we really were meant to be friends and I don't think either of us was disappointed by that truth.

Time marched, as it has a habit of doing, and each of us married. Mine lasted about 5 minutes but, Herbie being Herbie, hung in for a long time.

Yesterday, I got to hear his voice and it was yet another gift from Spirit. He is happily re-married, both his parents are still walking the planet, has started a new career and can still make me laugh and smile. I'm beginning to remember what a lucky girl I truly am!

Which of us can know from whence our joy will come? That it showed up in the form of an old and dear friend causes gratitude to well from the deepest part of me.

Hope your days are filled with wonder, awe and a whole lotta joy as well.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Very cool to regain a friend.

I love the pictures up top.

Take Care