Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Madonna - Diva in a Track Suit

Well, age catches up to us all. I suspected it was true, but Hollywood is so good at faking the funk I wasn't sure anymore. Until Monday night, that is.

My neighbor called as I was hurtling along the highway, attempting to make if home to my couch (otherwise known as the repository for my big brown behind) and the TV. The womanchild was in the passenger's seat whining about what we were going to have for dinner and all was right (or at least the same) in my world.

ME: What's up, girl?
She: What are you doing? Got plans for tonight?
Me: Ha! Why what have you got going on?
She: Well, wanna go see Madonna at the Arena?
Me: You're kidding, really?

You get the picture. I considered not going for a moment - the allure of the couch's siren song was pulling me. But, my daughter snapped me out of it by saying "Are you CRAZY? It's MADONNA!" Oh, yeah. So, a little well placed deodorant and lipstick and I am back in the car, headed to my neighbor's and off to see the Material Girl in all her splendor.

What I love about these outings with my neighbor, JR, is that she works for a huge telecom company and gets the best perks. So, we arrive and have pre-arranged indoor parking right next to the entrance of the arena suite area. A flash of our tickets and we are led to the suite where finger food and drinks await.

The concert was scheduled to start at 8:00 pm so we arrived around 8:15, figuring she would start at 9:00 pm. I had my fill of wine and munchies and, like everyone else got excited when the DJ came on around 8:30 pm. He played for 40 min or so and then everyone started to cheer.

Unfortunately, it was almost 9:55 before the blonde bombshell showed her stuff. Now, that may not seem late to you folk but, I'm 52 - a card carrying AARP member - and that's dangerously close to my bedtime; on a work night no less!

But, the music was pumping and our hips were bumping as the crowd became one mass of Madonna fever. We sung, swayed and cheered until 11:15 pm (when in an effort to beat the crowd I suggested we leave). And it was fun but, I wonder if wasn't just the joy of reliving a bit of disco youth that made it enjoyable, instead of the music itself.

After the first flush of excitement, about 1/3 of the way through the concert, I noticed that Madonna wasn't dancing very much. It was clever, the hip gyrations here and there; perfectly placed so that the dancers did the hard stuff and she swayed along. Maybe I noticed because I had taken my daughter to see Beyonce last year and, at 20-something, she tore the stage apart with her moves. Never having seen Madonna live and in concert before, I wondered what her costumes would be like. Her past wardrobe is legendary. Surprisingly, for most of the concert, she wore workout clothes - shorts and tank tops. No more cone breasts for the 50 year-old Mom. And that's as it should be.

I don't expect Madonna to perform like she is 20; I guess it was just a little hard to see her winding down. Because I am winding down too. When I compare myself to my past I see what has fallen away by degrees. Some things I long for again though I know they will not return (my eyesight for one). Others I am still fighting to hold onto or regain (my sense of humor about Life and my physical dexterity). There was a time when I could do a back bend - full out, from a standing position on the floor. I fear such an attempt would land me in bed, on a regimen of muscle relaxants for a week.

The story I grew up on was that by the time I reached this age I'd be able to see retirement and years of carefree relaxation. And since 50 is the new 40, I'd feel like a young woman, too! Okay, okay so I believed the hype and now my rude awakening is here. Such is Life. But, it's nice to know that even in the midst of reality The Queen of Pop can help me remember how much fun shaking my booty could be.

Hope our Thanksgiving holidays were filled with Love and joy. Until the next time...


Anonymous said...

i can so totally relate to this post. i have to say, though, you have more energy than me. at 42, i would not go to a concert on a work night. even if i stay up late, which i do sometimes, i need to be in my pjs and relaxing by 9pm, 10 at the latest.

Anonymous said...

I guess if energy and exuberance is the hallmark of a young singer rather than the music, then they'll disappoint as they grow older. But if it's the music and it stands the test of time, a bit less energy doesn't matter. A really good singer can have an audience in the palm of their hand even if they're sixty and they hardly move a muscle.

♥ Braja said...

Hey nice to meet you :) Thanks for coming by, I hope you make it a habit. And I'm with Mary: 45 yesterday, and I'm reeling at the thought of staying up that late on any night... :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun evening, with perks too boot! Like everyone else, I have to make accomodations to a body that has aged faster than my memory of its abilities :-)Still, I'm quite happy with what I have, and hopefully will get to keep, at least for a while longer. Be well,

Mojo said...

Gayle, thanks for a wonderful post! I can totally relate. As I was reading your post, I was wondering how Mick Jagger, Tina Turner and Phil Collins have done it for all these years. Love, Mj

Debra Keirce said...

Gayle, I just turned 47, and your post made me crack up! I don't feel quite so old now, since I have company in the winding down dept.! I came to your blog through the black box...haven't done that in awhile, but I'm glad I visited. I'm glad you had fun seeing Madonna. The last concert I went to was Peter Frampton - He's BALD now! We're all aging - but hopefully, gracefully so!

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that no one ever says 50 is the new 40 until they are damn near or past 50? Just saying. I have never been interested at all in Madonna, but I must say, I expectred her to be another Tina, bouncing and jumping at 70. I may be joining u on Blogger soon - they have turned Spaces into a teenage wonder site. if I hear that one more person has commented on another person's blog, i may leap about like a spavined frog.