Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Tonight The World Changed

for me and mine. I have never been prouder, felt stronger or readier for the task at hand. I realize we are at the beginning - nowhere close to being near an end. This is where the work starts, this is where the challenge truly begins, this is the time we get get to choose. We can choose to create a world where we listen to one another, honor one another, care for one another. we have the chance to acknowledge our differences and neither glorify nor minimize them, simply accept them and use our strengths for our common good.

I know this is 'Pollyanna', but that is the most beautiful part of this win. The audacity of hope - to believe again in the possibilities of Life as good, fruitful and shared. I have worked my whole Life towards this end. I am more than grateful for the possibility that it might be realized.

For those who have been opposed to this journey, I invite you to come along anyway. You just might find something better than you have ever known.

Peace to all.


Anonymous said...

We all need hope at times like these. Let's hope we shall not be disappointed. Be well,

Balou said...

Beautifully said Gayle. I too feel like I want to roll up my sleeves and help dig us out of this mess. Just give me a "shovel."

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving. Be well,