Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sweet, Sweet Honey In The Rock

Ever do something and know, deep in your bones, that what you have done was the absolute best thing? It doesn't happen often, at least not for me, but this month it has happened twice.

The first perfect thing I have done was to sign up for acting classes. I LOVE it!!!! It's two hours of adult make believe and play and serious craft all mixed into one. I have no idea how good I am and whatever the judgment I am fine with it. I am completely enjoying the experience. It's a beginners course so the instructor has appropriate expectations for us - very low. He is wonderful in that he is encouraging, even as he explains that just about everything you did was out of sync with what you were trying to create for the scene. (I'm starting to sound like and actor, aren't I?)

I can't really describe how freeing it is to pretend to be shy or sexy or amused or spiteful or ashamed. To be free to be anything because that is what your character requires - to be vulnerable. I am looking forward to doing longer and longer scenes as the class progresses.

What a fantastic idea it was to take an acting class; if I do say so myself while patting my back quite purposefully.

On to the 2nd super thing I have done! Mom has a birthday on Monday. Her 84th - amazing, isn't it? I overheard a colleague speaking on the phone on Thursday about one of my favorite singing groups and she mentioned they would be in concert here. Of course, I went straight to google, found their website and lo and behold there it was - Sweet Honey In The Rock was coming to Atlanta!

I immediately bought 2 tickets thinking the womanchild and I would attend, forgetting it was Mom's b-day weekend. Once I remembered, I decided we'd take her out to dinner on Sunday instead of Saturday, no problem. But, it just didn't sit well, internally. I knew in my Spirit that Mom would enjoy the concert but, I had already bought her tickets to see a play in May as her birthday gift. And, let's face it, while I am willing to ignore my budget most days, tickets to anything (even movies) ain't cheap and I was sorta breaking the bank by purchasing tickets to two shows in the space of a week anyway.

But, it kept gnawing at me, so I finally gave in and asked the girlchild if she really wanted to see Sweet Honey. Not really, my alternative-rock- and-hip-hop-saturated-child replied. So free of the burden of trying to acculturate the human I gave birth to, I gave a gift to the woman who birthed and raised me. And, she loved every minute of it. I watched her sway and clap and nod her head in time to the music. She turned to me at one point and said 'I just can't keep still'. That, my friends, is the mark of an excellent concert as far as I'm concerned.

And the music made us move and cheer and sing along. If you don't know Sweet Honey here are a few of my favorite selections:

Wanting Memories
No Mirrors In My Nana's House
Redemption Song
Motherless Chil'

Now, if accapella, spirituals, gospel and african influcenced music are not in your repetoire or not much appreciated by you then, you may want to pass these sisters by. But, if you love complex harmony, natural sounds, heart, power and beauty in your music then, take a listen.

Sweet Honey In The Rock live up to their name.


Jorge said...

I delight in your joy! Way to go, young lady. I can only hope the acting classes keep getting better, as I'm sure you will, as well.

Unknown said...

I love that you're loving something and I really felt you on the gift to your mother. I would feel really great to see my mother having the good time your mom was having. Bravo for you!

Mojo said...

I felt your joy in reading your description of acting classes - you go girl! Woo hoo! It sounds like you are having such great fun and I love hearing about it.

And, I downloaded some of the songs from Napster - thank you for a wonderful addition to my mp3. I can see why you had so much fun!

Love, Mj