Sunday, July 22, 2007

Good vs. Evil

I had thought that I would write long before now. Life seems to have carried me along in other directions. I've been having a great time though - Beyonce's concert (with Robin Thicke) which was wonderful from start to finish. What an entertainer! Though, I must admit, I never thought much of her before. I bought tics because I new the womanchild would enjoy it and, it turned out to be a great and joyful surprise.

I have finished the latest Harry Potter but will not give away the ending for those who might still be reading. The womanchild and I stood on line for our copies and have been hungrily reading all weekend. Classic stuff, these books will be read for generations. I'm already planning to re-read the entire series.

Good vs. evil, like everyday Life we struggle against the evil within and without - though I have only recently begun to acknowledge that evil exists. Just part of my make-up to want to believe only in good. I suppose that is why Harry has captured my attention so deeply. Who will win?

I know, but I'm not telling...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for not spoiling the ending. I'm still a book behind! The concert sounds like a lot of fun - wish I could have been there.
Be well,

Anonymous said...

I tend to think of life being more divided into Builders vs Breakers. In either case 'life' 'the world' and so forth means only the human inhabitants thereof; I don't suppose there are evil whales - or good one, for that matter. I only got as far as Book 4 of Harry; I liked the first book best, and then I sort of tailed off. I loathed Lord of the Rings, so I guess I have a gene missing in the fantasy department. I thought the genius of Harry was that Rowling basically told a good old fashioned "Tom Brown's School Days" sort of story of the kind vastly popular in the late 19th and early 20th century with their "Our crowd" v the "bullies" or opposing house/clique/team; updated it with mixing of the sexes and threw in a good bit of science fiction. I loved those old books; there were series for both girls and boys, many of which I found in old boxes stowed away in our attics and closets. The chief characteristic of them, then and now, is that there were really no grey areas. Everybody was 'us' or 'them'; good or bad - why, I think I just figured out where GWB got his foreign policy from. I guess I have moved on to books where it is all grey area. Even in the detective or crime type novels I read, i tend to like best writers like Hiassen, Wambaugh and Leonard where the good guys are pretty bad, and the bad guys - well, they are bad, too. Just like real life. I agree, though, that Harry will last for quite a while, though I think his readership down the years will increasingly be limited to kids.
It would be nice to have a kid to take to concerts - I can't think of anyone I would go to see anymore - well, maybe "Band of Horses" in a small venue. I kind of hate the huge concerts; the last one I went too was the Stones and Ike and Tina when they were still together. I felt very uncomfortable in such a mob, and one band there whose name I have forgotten was so loud, I think my hearing was actually damaged. I love to listen to music, but I prefer when I can hear it without it either being drowned out by peole screaming for no reason, unless it is realizing how much they paid to hear nothing, or being so loud that all the nuance is lost. I wish I'd gone to see the Dead, though, once, before Jerry died...

Anonymous said...

Though I'm a big fan of this genre of writing, I have to admit, I couldn't get on with rowling's writing at all, and fell at the start of book one!!!! almost as bad an admission these days as owning up to being a smoker.

By the way - if you have never read the 'Wizard of Earthsea' series, get it now. Ursula le Guin, one of the best, and her book about a wizard going to school and beyond came a long time before!!!!
