Sunday, August 03, 2008

Living My Life Like It's Golden

The woman-child is having a blast in NYC! She's been to Broadway where she saw Whoopie Goldberg in Xanadu; to Long Island where she was a camp counselor for a day; to her Godfather's job where she was offered a summer internship while in college; to upstate NY for a day in the country with old and dear friends and tonight, after a trip uptown to Harlem, she will see "Hair" in Central Park! What a wild ride and she still has another two days. Lucky, lucky girl.

While she has been gone, I've been playing fancy free adult. Sleeping nude (which I can never do while she is home because she is known to plop into my bed at 2 or 3 AM), saw Baldwin's "The Amen Corner", had tapas and drinks with a friend and spent today cleaning off the deck so when Paul and his family come from the UK we can hang out and barbecue.

Lots of scrubbing, hauling and planting and I feel worn out. One more coat of paint on the deck chairs and then I can have Brian (my handyman) come in and pressure wash and stain the deck. I'm hoping he can paint my bedroom and bathroom, too. But, we may have to postpone that until after the English folk visit.

Funny how I can live with all these things that need to be done. I can postpone the doing of them because of money shortages or time shortages. But, when people come to visit I am suddenly doggedly determined to make changes. I always end up liking the changes, too. I intend to do more of what needs to be done on a regular basis around the house.

I really very excited to see Paul and the kids. One major reason is that they all feel very familiar to me and I have come to think of them as a far-away family. I hope they enjoy themselves while they are here. The woman-child and I will certainly do our best to make them smile.

Well, I hope your days have been good ones and tomorrow only gets better. I'm off to soak in a nice hot bubble-filled tub...

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